hello cat lovers everywhere!!!
Did you know that in relation to their body size, cats have the largest eyes of any mammal, and the reason for that is so they can give you that long, sad stare until you give them the piece of salmon you have just cooked for your dinner!!!

them. They love to show off and are very talkative too!! Come and have a look of them - you don't get this kind of find at sactuaries often!!
Both Sasha and Freud are 7 and good with children of all ages.

Now I just couldn't resist doing this - showing you lots of little kittens!!!!

Most of these kittens are here as they are strays kittens, unwanted or found in a box!!!
So these are the lucky ones who have come to us to be loved and to find their forever homes.

I just had to put this picture in - it's so blurred as the kitten wanted to investigate the camera - a good sign of the curious cat!!

And I promise you that this one will grow into his ears very soon :)
Have a good week and remember to come and visit us, and while you are here you can take a look at our new charity shop.
look forward to seeing you
Maria x
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