Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ok I warn you now get out the kleenex your going to need it for this one......................................... I will give you a second or two to compose yourselves and dab at those eyes which are probably already weeping at the antipation of what it coming next... I shall approach this in the same way I approach reading books (I just read the last line first that way I know how it all ends and can read safe in the knowledge that everything turns out ok!)
So heres the last line first! We are Jasper and Sky, we love our new home and our new owners our story does have a happy ending.
Our story is sad but not uncommon to tell. Our owners thought that if they left us behind when they moved we would be able to find food, warmth, love and shelter. Opps.... that wasnt very kind or loving? we spent 3 years living outside and slept on old discarded furniture. Our fairy godmother sadly didnt turn up. We were rescued along with our brother Spike (who by the way has the silkiest fur gives you soft kisses) and given what we deserved a loving home to rest our fab paws on. You will never know how grateful we are. Purrs forever x x x
P.S keep those photos of cats you have rehomed from us coming to It is important for sanctuary volunteers to see the wondeful impact of their hard work and whole hearted dedication to care for the vast number of cats sadly requiring sanctuary
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Everyone at the sanctuary very much likes to hear how cats that have been re-homed at getting on. It makes all the hard work, the sad times and dedication all worthwhile when you hear how pampered some of our cats are now. With the majority having a very hard start in life it is rewarding for us to find them new loving forever homes. With that in mind if you have homed a cat from us and would like to email it to me ( to display on the blog I would be very happy to do that for you. Remember to tell me the year you got your cat, the cats name and a little bit about how the cat is getting on all pampered stories welcome!
We dont often forget a cat despite homing almost 5000 in the past 8 years we remember them all as they all have their own characters and traits. We cant gaurantee to remember the human folk as they often blur in our love for the felines around here (which is the way it should be!)
So to start us off Tonka (picture inset) the cat with the one white whisker would like to say to her new owners how pleased she is with her new home if they can keep up the level of pampering forever she will be most impressed. Tonka had many people look at her who didnt like the white whisker we think she looks fab and she has found owners who think so too!
There once was a cat called Mittens
who had four gorgeous kittens
tabby, black and white
they were homed overnight!
A new home is sought for Mum
to someone who can rub her tum!
She is delightfully sweet
why she hasnt gone who knows
perhaps the answer lies in her toes?!
We think it makes her extra cute!
(see picture inset)
Mittens needs a new home having been at the sanctuary for over 4 months. She is a wonderful cat loves to be cuddled, enjoys sitting on your lap and has the sweetest nature. Best for a home with older children Mittens does not like to be pulled about particularly with the tail. She would make a smashing pet and great companion!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

One for you dedicated cat loving fans! Chestnut has its own webpage on the famous cat chat website view all our lovely residents at
The size of the cat chat website gives some indication of how many thousands of fabulous gentle souls that are currently looking for a home. With that in mind and Spring right around the corner dont forget to your cat neutered! Kittens can be done from 6 months of age which prevents sanctuaries like ours from being over run with too many cats and not enough homes. Contact us on 01992 560 510 if you would informaiton on the free neutering scheme available,.
Some wise advice from a gentle wise fella! Dont delay, neuter your cat today!
By the way if your going to use my picture you could at least give me a little plug!
Ok, so to keep my gorgeous Carrots happy I will mention a word or two about his majesty!
Carrots is simply fab you open the door to his pen and he comes plodding down with the anticipation that cuddles are going to be waiting for him at the end of the ladder. He will sit in your arms for ages nesting his soft ginger furry head against you. Carrots is not one to say no to a lap and would be a fabulous companion. He has never been outside so that might be a bit of suprise probably best homed as a flat cat! (not squashed a cat used to living indoors!)
Carrots is the purrfect addition to a home! Ciao for now, Carrots x x x
Sunday, February 10, 2008
A few words from our gorgeous 7 year old “Katie”
I’m not fat, I’m Fluffy!
After all round is a shape?
My fluffiness doesn’t bother me
In fact I making a keep fit tape!
An ode to Jackie!
You know how it is with chocolate
One piece simply wont do
Its that way with cats
You have to have two!
They are there if you ever need them
Dieting, men or work stress
They provide instant relief and
They are fat free, no less!
They will share your life
Make it rich beyond compare
(and they never touch your chocolate)
so you wont have to share!!
Love is truly in the air with Valentines day around the corner. Lots of love and hugs to all the gorgeous rescued cats who have found a home this weekend including Freddy, Sqiggle, Freddy, Lollie, Izzy, Mixa, Tortie, Tonka, Sam, Pansey, Kipper, Puss in Boots, Coco, Domino and her sister, Tabby girls, Black cat, and Alfie.
We hope you are loved as much as we loved you!
Fabulous cats looking for love because they owners have passed away include
Gorgeous ginger boy called "Carrots"
Soft and gentle black and white "Polly"
Lap cat white and black "Misty"
Placid white and black "Smudge"
Our bored and frustrated long termers are young cat desperate for a garden to make their own
- "Mittens" 18 month old girly with extra digits on her paws.
- Playful and adorable 2 year old poser "Treacle"
Newcomers this week in need of lots of TLC include Malcolm & Molly (4 year old tabby brother and black sister) and Blackie (18 month old scared of her own fur love her back rubbed when she trusts you!)
What are you waiting for.................................?
All our cat cuddlers dont forget to put the 28th February in your diaries to join us for a pub quiz to celebrate the contribution volunteers make to the success of the sanctuary, looking forward to seeing you there!