Happy Birthday to me! a BIG thank you everyone for the flowers and perfume was very kind of you all! Anyone would think I like cats from the cards I have got! The M & M twins even managed to write me a card and buy me a present with their kitty pennies! (If your wondering they bought me a grey kitten with gorgeous blue eyes - the cuddly toy type!) How clever are they?! Up to date pictures attached! They had their first vaccinations this week it was a stressful time for all including their adopted mum but they were very brave and it was all over in a matter of minutes. I think they are looking fab! feel free to disagree (not!!!) A few updates from the sanctuary! Tizz has found herself a new home as well as Indie, Suka and Florrie!
We are all starting to feel very concerned for dear old Molly and Kitten they have been with us for a very long time. It would be smashing to arrive at the sanctuary and see them gone. They are looking for a quiet loving home without young children to rest their paws in. Kitten is totally fab in stunningly good condition for 17 years old loves a lap, cuddle, groom and fuss. He is a ginger delight! Molly, Kittens beautiful mother is so pretty to look at! She also adores being on your lap so much so she often kicks Kitten off. At 18 years old their is plenty of energy in her! Both are A1 fit, enjoy fine dining and the occasional cat nap! A BIG thank you to all our fabulous volunteers, you have to deal with some very stressful awful situations. We really do appreciate your calmness and dedication to ensure that humanity wins through. It is endearing to know their are so many good kind people to outweigh the rest. Thank you. Paws from the cats in your care.
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