One for you dedicated cat loving fans! Chestnut has its own webpage on the famous cat chat website view all our lovely residents at http://www.catchat.org/chestnut/cgibin/prtoc.cgi
The size of the cat chat website gives some indication of how many thousands of fabulous gentle souls that are currently looking for a home. With that in mind and Spring right around the corner dont forget to your cat neutered! Kittens can be done from 6 months of age which prevents sanctuaries like ours from being over run with too many cats and not enough homes. Contact us on 01992 560 510 if you would informaiton on the free neutering scheme available,.
Some wise advice from a gentle wise fella! Dont delay, neuter your cat today!
By the way if your going to use my picture you could at least give me a little plug!
Ok, so to keep my gorgeous Carrots happy I will mention a word or two about his majesty!
Carrots is simply fab you open the door to his pen and he comes plodding down with the anticipation that cuddles are going to be waiting for him at the end of the ladder. He will sit in your arms for ages nesting his soft ginger furry head against you. Carrots is not one to say no to a lap and would be a fabulous companion. He has never been outside so that might be a bit of suprise probably best homed as a flat cat! (not squashed a cat used to living indoors!)
Carrots is the purrfect addition to a home! Ciao for now, Carrots x x x
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