Well it rained and rained and then rained some more! the weekend wasnt a total wash out though! lots of time to get to cuddle the current residents and particularly the long termers (cats whose owners who are either unwell, in prison or are unwell themselves) dear Mickey has had his operation and he looks great, a lot less wobbly! He adores playing with the furry coloured mice so if you pop into the sanctuary make sure you give it a go! Luna is such an amazing cat he deserves a fantastic home when he can be rehomed he is the most human like cat I have ever met he loves to go for walks, make friends with all the resident cats (whether they want to or not!) and be cuddled. He has a great little pink nose and pink padded feet!). Despite being relatively quiet at the weekend we still managed to have more than one or two strange questions asked of us! Do you have any pure white breed kittens? How do I go about breeding?! Apart from wanting to scream very loudly are you mad we are a rescue centre! we calmly referred them to the 50+ unwanted cats currently in our care and showed them the 300+ homeless kittens we have cared for over the summer including the everso skinny stressed cat mums and the tired volunteers! Hopefully due to the recent cold spell the number of pregnant cats coming in should be slowing down! Lots of lovely cat wise people also popped in the top attraction this weekend was Betty, a long hair white and tortie 2 year old girl who adores a fuss, Molly a dark tortie, 4 year old placid girl who enjoys affection particularly sitting on your lap and Mische a rather plump cuddly huggable girl who likes to roll over and have her tummy tickled! P.S another question this weekend do dogs are cats get on? (see Max the dog testing cat in action!)well not always but we generally home kittens to breeds of dogs known to get on with cats or we will home cats to a house with dogs where the cats have come from a home with dogs. Like any new relationship time and TLC makes a world of difference! TTFN x
To gorgeous cats likes Salem x x x Love is......... everlasting x x x