So.... I guess you are all wondering what the little mischief makers have been up to this week eh?! well I am pleased to report the progress of our two little
kittens Millie and Murdoch is good. They have been in their new home 1 week today. It is wonderful to be able to see them develop and grow right before your eyes. Which i hasten to add they should be doing as they are eating for England! They currently manage to wolf down 1 tin of
kitten loaf each per day. Last week when they arrive they were only on 1/2 a tin so that just shows how quickly their appetites increase. Also interesting to note here how huge a pregnant cat's and nursing mother's appetite is. They can get through huge amounts of food when feeding their young. It is very sad to see a cat physically drained from the demands of keeping up with their babies eating requirements hence the all important need to
neuter your cat! Anyway back to the terrible twosome. They mastered the use of their litter tray almost immediately and have fortunately not had any accidents as yet. Although the anti-bacterial wipes are on hand should they be needed! They are still in the one room which is important with small
kittens as they can get down very small holes and get stuck. The sanctuary volunteers have been contacted on numerous occasions for advice on retrieving
kittens from under kitchen floor boards and even from inside a grand piano! So to avoid the immense stress that this can cause it is best to isolate young kittens in one room for at least the first few weeks in a new home to allow them to build their confidence and for their own safety. Millie is the more timid kitten at first but dont let that deceive you as given the opportunity she will bundle in with her brother. This is important part of bonding and is wonderful to watch as two kittens literally become one ball of fur as they play and attack each other! Murdoch loves any toy in particular those attached to a piece of string and has already entangled himself on numerous occasions - always important to remove toys with string attached from the kittens room if they are going to be left unattended for any length of time. We have very fortunately had only one occasion where this advice was not adhered to and whilst we give a lot.....................!! of advice at the sanctuary it is always for the best intentions.
P.S Many congratulations to Bandit for snaring himself a fabulous new home. You look great in your pictures!