Question: What do you call a glove without fingers? Answers at the bottom of the page!!!
Opps looks like someone was caught cat napping!! I hear on the catvine otherwise known as the grapevine! that there is a rumour going about the sanctuary... all of the cats are whispering from pen to pen the place is a buzz with activity apparently someone has got themselves a new home. I wonder who it could be? I would whisper as quietly as I can but I dont want to let the cats know I have heard! Who could it be I hear you ask? well I will drop a few clues perhaps even six......but not a single digit more! Gillian, you will have to send happy cat thoughts for tomorrow as you will see this girly's plump furry tummy no more! We wish every one of her gorgeous paws all the happiest in the world. She deserves a fabulous home after 6 long months at the cat sanctuary it is time for her to be away from her kittens it is the one.......... the only............ wonderful cat called MITTENS!!!!