An extra large cat from the Tiger family popped in to the see the residents of Chestnut Cat Sanctuary no it's not Jackie or Hamish it really was Tigger the Tiger. Benji certainly looks happy having a cuddle from the oh so strippy one! Fantastic effort from the sanctuary volunteers which is why we celebrate you today on Annual Bank H
oliday Monday Volunteer's day you are wonderful! Every pen was meticulously scrubbed and cleaned with a special product to prevent contamination in the build up to the crazy kitten months ahead. Please if you have a cat or if you know someone who has a cat which is not neutered give us a call to find out more about the free netuering schemes available. It really does make a cat's life happier and prevents some of the tens of thousands of unwanted and homeless cats and kittens. A BIG thank you to Sharon for keeping us all going with a delicious chocolate cheesecake, Mary, Cathy, Gill, Jo, Alissa, Charlotte, Pat, and many more for working so hard today to make the sanctuary spotlessly clean it looks amazing. P.S Check out the Chestnut Family Page for news on Treacle's new home, the gorgeous boy really loves his photo being taken!
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